Software Associates India

farm to fork monitoring

Farm to fork – realtime inventory & warehouse monitoring solutions

The next aspect is about farm to fork monitoring. Ensuring there is transparency in the whole process from farming to storage, distribution, and retail supplies. Our farm to fork solutions comprise of dashboard software and wireless sensor devices that are deployed on the farm, at multi-location procurement centers, warehouses, distribution chain, and up to the end-user, will be able to track back the farm produce from its origin to his table. This will also ensure fair price realization to the farmer. The use of demand forecasting software will further bring insights on improving utilisation and optimising inventory levels.

Farm to fork Realtime inventory tracking

farm to fork warehouse monitoring

Serve fresh produce – Know about abnormal conditions immediately. Power failures, sudden temperature rise, open doors, poor air quality, and other factors can cost money and reputation to farmers. Our solutions will give full traceability from the farm to procurement, improved inventory stocktake storage, supply chain, Transport logistics management, distribution, and retail. 

Real time Inventory tracking  in farm to fork operations

Farm-to-fork supply chain visibility. Everyone and everything is becoming ‘smart’ nowadays, and the agriculture industry is no different. With the Pandemic on the long haul, farm to fork monitoring has become important for the sustainability of, a farmer-benefit-driven economy. So what is smart farming? Let’s take a look: smart farming makes use of big data and sensors for more precise monitoring, and enables more informed decision-making, thus enhancing the productivity of agricultural activity.

With technology making giant strides in every field, and better farm monitoring solutions being available, farmers will have access to more and different types of information, which has the potential to save a great deal of money.

As of now, most of the important decisions are taken by the farmers; for example, what kinds of seeds to sow, how much pesticide to spray, and how to ensure farm supply chain visibility to tea auction houses or distributors, or direct consumers. These decisions are usually based on ‘gut feelings” rather than any precise calculations. However intuition may not always lead to the appropriate decisions, and more accurate predictions are important for farmers to be able to make the right choices.

Farm warehouse inventory monitoring 

Continuing with the previous example, Farm monitoring tools as in industries can help farmers with decisions like how much pesticide to use in a particular area by measuring the amount of nitrogen in the soil – a far more accurate system than guesswork!

By deploying our IoT solutions in farm automation and farm to fork monitoring, plantation owners can get information on the right time to pollinate certain flowers. Self-navigating tractors that can carry farm produce spray pesticides and detect locusts are already available on the market.

Smart farming techniques are also valuable for scientists; thanks to sensors in farms, researchers can figure out which plants to breed together to produce seeds that give high yields.

Governments in the African continent can benefit greatly from the introduction of farm monitoring sensors in agriculture. They can have access to precise information on food security, detect infected crops, and use technology to boost productivity. Take a look at our Iot in warehouse monitoring starter kits

What is smart farming?

AI can also be used to create new food crops; cultivars are plants that have been bred for the express purpose of producing high yields, resisting diseases, and having a particular flavor. With traditional methods, creating cultivars can take even 10 years. Scientist believes that smart farming techniques can be done much faster, thus ensuring there is no dearth of crops. Smart farming dashboard software can help improve remote monitoring.

The information on plant genes and characteristics can also help computers forecast the effect of gene mutation on plants.

However, one needs to bear in mind that as of now, it is still quite expensive, and not feasible on small farms; smart farming has the best result when implemented on large-scale farms. An IOT asset tracking with indoor positioning analytics reporting is available.

Looking for a reliable partner to implement smart farm dashboard software?

Contact us – in Africa / Europe / Asia Pacific to speak to a representative, and we will take you through the process of a fork to farm warehouse monitoring, and service truck inventory management.