Software Associates India

Business use case for Realtime asset trackingSoftware Associates India - IOT solutions business use case for indoor positioning systems, location tracking

Realtime asset tracking – Understanding industrial user behavior and product usage has baffled many industrial equipment manufacturers. RTLS solutions business use case for smart factories using the dashboard for shop floor insights is getting to be critical for product and services businesses to be successful. These are achieved through access to deep insights into how workflow, equipment, and environmental factors affect performance and maintenance schedules and costs.

IOT solutions, Indoor positioning dashboard development

We provide interactive visualization charts, real-time dashboards, and statistics from sensor data visualization tools. The solutions will run on cloud or Edge gateway devices such as Dell EMC 5000.

Indoor positioning – Realtime asset tracking business use case

The future is about building new products modifying existing ones to suit a fast-changing environment or finding new customer segments.  With increased transparency, competition, and cost-conscious prospects, lean and mean products and services are seen to be widely accepted worldwide – from no-frills airlines to frugally built cars and shared economy business models. Fab lab equipment, industrial transformers, earthmovers, industrial cranes, etc can be retrofitted with our Cellular IOT (2 / 4G CAT M1) smart devices.

RTLS solutions business use case – indoor location tracking

Our Industrial IoT business use cases for indoor location tracking & solutions and integrated smart sensor and analytics reporting software allow easy deployment on industrial equipment in manufacturing and monitor in real-time how the products are used in the field by customers. For example – consider the case of an industrial transformer equipment manufacturer who has deployments across a wide region and would like to benefit from using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The data would be transmitted at regular intervals to be analyzed by maintenance and engineering teams. Read about our RTLS deployment success stories

RTLS sensors, device dashboards

Smart RTLS sensor devices deployed on the industrial shop floor and heavy engineering cranes and other equipment can log critical data such as temperature, humidity, movement, and usage remotely. The captured data can be accessed online using your smartphone to provide valuable inputs in product research, maintenance, repairs, marketing, customer support, spares inventory, and new product design. Read about RTLS use cases

Indoor location tracking & realtime asset tracking

Our RTLS solutions are designed from our innovation center based in Kerala, India. We deploy best-in-class companies worldwide and the IOT sensors are sourced from award-winning electronic companies globally such as ELA Blue T, ELA Puck, Ruuvi, etc.

Global IoT and collaborative solutions events

Meet us at global events such as Mobile World Congress, IoT Asia, IoT Solutions World Congress, etc to learn more about our Industrial IoT business cases and sensor dashboard development to integrate sensor data.

Digital software integration can help your business to build a competitive advantage. We design and deploy RTLS software solutions and anomaly detection tools using on-premise edge devices and the cloud.

Contact us for more information on Industrial RTLS solutions and business use cases for indoor positioning and realtime asset tracking