Real-time worker safety tracking solutions – In the first session, the speaker gave a broad introduction to vital signs monitoring (VSM). Primary vital signs include heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and respiration. It is important to measure these vital signs to observe the conditions of a person, make the right diagnoses, and ensure numbers are within the range.
Opportunities for real-time worker safety tracking, Vital Signs Monitoring (VSM) are:
The next session was about the required technologies for wearable VSM and its use cases. The parameters we need to monitor are our level of activity, body composition, stress, and vital signs. The level of activity is measured using MEMs motion sensing, body composition by impedance measurement, stress level by optical measurement, and vital signs by biopotential measurement. Next, the speaker discussed how to measure the above parameters and the technologies used for it in detail.
Challenges in designing an optical system are: –
The technology used for body impedance measurement –
The technology used for motion sensing is ADXL362 MEMs low power three-axis accelerometer that can measure vibration up to ±8g. However, worker safety tracking solutions are deployed on Bluetooth mesh technology to ensure coverage in larger areas, are simple and easy to deploy, and has a battery life of 5+ years on an average data transmission rate of 5 minutes.
The webinar highlights the capabilities of the analog device in sensing different vital signs using their modules and low-power MEMs technologies. Analog devices can be a one-stop shop for vital signs measurement devices and we provide the engineering expertise to bring these solutions to the needy – providing technical assistance, device selection, cloud configuration, web security, customer-centric project management, and worker safety monitoring platform.
Contact us to know more about our capabilities in integrating real-time worker safety tracking solutions. Vital Signs Monitoring devices and integrating dashboard alerts and measurement matrices.